Iron is one of the important mineral found in every cell of the body. It is  vital for an individual’s health. The dietary requirement for a micronutrient is defined  as an intake level that meets specified criteria for adequacy. The recommended nutrient  intakes of an individual’s to meet the defined requirement vary, according to their need  to the body. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for iron intake is:  

  • Adults: 10 mg/day.
  • Females below 50 years age & during lactation: increased up to 15 mg/day.
  • Females during pregnancy: increased up to 30 mg/day.


 Insufficient dietary iron intake can result in iron deficiency. The most  common nutrient deficiency world wide is iron deficiency. It can occur if inadequate  intake or blood loss. Females are prone to iron deficiency due to menstruation, lower  iron intake & pregnancy. Almost one-quarter of the worldwide population is affected  by anemia.
Individuals with iron deficiency are at risk of developing iron-deficiency  anemia. Its deficiency is linked with impaired physical workability, reduced cognitive  function, and poor pregnancy-related outcomes. Blood cells in iron-deficiency anemia  are small and pale because they contain less hemoglobin. In iron deficiency anemia,  plasma iron is reduced while TIBC tends to increase. Plasma ferritin is a good catalog  of iron storage. There is a decrement in plasma ferritin level in iron deficiency anemia  & increment in haemosiderosis. 
Iron Deficiency Symptoms:  
  • Hypochromic, microcytic anemia (low Hgb & Hct): weakness, fatigue, headaches.
  • Impaired work performance and cognitive function.
  • Impaired immunity  Inability to regulate body temperature.
  • Concave nails 
  • Pale skin, nailbeds, mucous membranes, and palm creases.

Acute iron poisoning occur at the administration of 60mg/kg elemental iron. Toxicity or “iron overload” is more common in men. Overdose of iron may cause  haemosiderosis. Toxicity occurs by a genetic defect, hemochromatosis, and chronic  ingestion of too much iron. The toxicity of iron is more common in alcoholics.  Symptoms of iron toxicity which over within few hours include vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Severity of symptoms include low blood pressure, seizures and coma.
Iron Overdose Disorder: 
Hemochromatosis : It is occur due to inappropriate excessive absorption of iron  result in high accumulation of iron in tissues parenchymal cells which lead to  severe organ damage (Fleming et al .,2002 ). Hemochromatosis also cause  hyperpigmentation ,arthritis ,diabetes, hepatocellular cancer. 
Secondary iron overdose disorder: It is develop as a result of repeated blood  transfusion which is done for the treatment of various anemias. Iron overload in CNS have been associated with different neurodegenerative disorder.  High level of iron in brain of patients have been associated With Parkinson disease  and Alzheimer’s disease. 
Iron Toxicity: Iron does not have carcinogenic effect but iron overload is associated  with increase risk of cancer. Increase level of iron basically disturb the redox balance  at cellular level which generate chronic oxidative stress, this activity of iron makes the  iron a carcinogenic agent.